One Week with the Apple Watch


A friend from London brought me an Watch 12 days ago. I’ve been using it since day one and I have to admit I like it more than I expected.

I’m not gonna do a full review of the device, but rather I’d like to comment on some details that surprised me.


It’s been a while since I last wore a watch and I was afraid it would be too big for me. So I’m using the 38mm sport model (the smallest one) with a blue band.


Truth to be said, it looks way smaller than I thought! In the pictures it looks really thick, but the rounded borders makes it look really thinner on the wrist.

I was also worried about the rubber band, which seemed cheap on the photos. What a big surprise! It has a very soft texture and it feels great even when it’s a hot day or when doing exercise.

The first days I wore it tight, thinking the heart monitoring sensors would work better. Later I realized you can wear it a bit loose and it still works fine.

The only flaw on the design is the huge space between the glass and the display. It reminds me to an older iPhone. Anyway, it’s a small issue. I’m sure Apple is preparing a thinner design for the next iteration.

Interface and Usability

Although the watch runs a special version of iOS, the interaction has little to do with the iPhone.

First thing you notice is it’s designed for quick actions. The few times I used it for more than one minute my arm complained.

It’s pretty fast, and everything works great… as expected from Apple :).

Input devices

Scrolling with the digital crown is fast and precise, and I really like the vibration feedback when you reach the end of the scroll.

Also, I like how the Force Touch makes sense here. It’s the quickest way to display extra options in a small screen. I cannot wait to see this on the iPhone :).


I use the main screen most of the time. From there you can:

  • Check the time (action by default)
  • Swipe down for notifications
  • Swipe up for glances (weather, heart monitor, activity…)


You can use the digital crown as a Home button to display the app menu, but most of the time I get there is by mistake. So, no, I don’t use many apps.

You can also press the digital crown to speak with Siri. I have never used siri on the phone, but I use it a lot on the Watch. First, is faster than the phone (it’s already on your wrist); second, it works really great even in a noisy place. Only downside: You need a good internet connection, or Siri will take ages to process your voice.


There’s another button you can use to display a people menu. You can call and text your favourite contacts from there. Is nice, but It’s a bit useless for me: I don’t call people, I don’t use iMessage, and no one else has an Watch I can draw pennises to.



From that menu you can doodle things and send it to other Watch users. It’s funny, and makes sense as it’s the quickest way to communicate with someone from the watch. But I think it’s too specific for this device, so I don’t think we’ll see this feature in other devices.

Dependency on the phone

Right now, all third party apps runs on the phone. And you notice it because it takes some time for them to refresh.

By ’runs on the phone’, I mean:

  • The app UI is installed on the watch.
  • Every time you press a button the watch, it notifies the phone.
  • Then, the phone decides what to do and updates the watch screen accordingly.
  • You can see a loading wheel meanwhile.

Almost everything depends on the phone. ¡You need an iPhone to activate the Watch!


This is one of the greatest surprises I found.

I usually go to sleep with 50-60% of battery. I have to charge the watch every night but I’m not worried to run out of battery during the day.

Also, I haven’t noticed any change on the battery duration on the phone.


Another thing I love is the activity tracking app.

By default, the watch tracks how much you move, how much you exercise and how much you walk.


You set a daily goal of movement, and you review that goal every week.

If you move, walk and do exercise you are constantly cheered up by the watch.

If you sit for too long, the watch will ask you to move a bit.

It’s pretty silly, and not as disrupting as it sounds. Many times I’ve ignored the notifications and haven’t felt bad for being so lazy.

But then you can check how many activity you get on a regular day, and how many you get on a lazy day… And you realize there’s a big difference!

So it’s a good way to keep some control over yourself, understand how lazy you are, and start doing something about it.


You can choose what notifications you get on the watch from the phone.

I found WhatsApp and Telegram ones rather annoying. You cannot answer messages from them (you can on Slack and iMessage ones), so I end up checking the phone anyway.

Other notifications are fine, not as disturbing as the phone and easier to ignore.

Ghost vibration

You know when you feel a vibration on your leg, and you go check the phone on your pocket just to find there’s no new notifications, and the phone wasn’t even in your pocket.

I stopped having ghost notifications long ago, when I disabled vibration on my phone.

Now I’m having ghost vibrations on the wrist :).

Nose as finger

As I said before, notifications are easier to ignore on the wrist.

Well, one thing that helps here is the nose. I found myself dismissing notifications with the nose when I had my other hand busy, or I was too lazy to move it. Hehe.


Someone asked me: “Isn’t the watch too easy to steal with that band?”

Took a look, and yes, it’s really easy to steal an Watch.

Then the second question is… Why would you?

You need to enter a passcode every time you take it off and on.

Without the passcode, you can only check the time. No glances, no apps, no notifications, nothing. And of course, no re-pairing to a new phone.

The watch is tightly coupled to your phone and your passcode, so a stolen watch it’s rather useless.


I’m happier with the Apple Watch than I expected. I use it everyday, and I have the feeling it makes my life better.

I think the activity tracking is the best feature of all. No other device or app made me understand how many time I spend seated, motionless.

In general, I feel it’s a great device that has the potential to make everyone wear a watch again.

Update: Turns out a stolen watch can be erased, as commented here

HowTo: Cambiar el Idioma de Mac Os X

A algún conocido, al llevar su mac a reparar, le han tenido que reinstalar el sistema y al recogerlo se lo ha encontrado en inglés. Que es el idioma por defecto de la instalación.

Menú de Mac OS X en inglés

Siempre se puede llevar otra vez al servicio técnico para que nos lo vuelvan a volver a poner en Español, o si os da pereza, voy a explicar cómo podéis ponerlo en Español siguiendo unos sencillos pasos.

Abrir Preferencias de Idioma

Lo primero va a ser abrir las preferencias del Lenguaje e Idioma. Podemos acceder a las Preferencias del Sistema desde la barra de menú, arriba, pulsando en la manzana. Se despliega un menú en el que elegimos "System Preferences …".

Abrir Preferencias del Sistema

Una vez abiertas las Preferencias del Sistema, pulsamos "Language & Text".

Idioma y texto en Preferencias del Sistema

Elegir el idioma preferido

En la primera pantalla de las preferencias de idioma, tenemos un listado con los idiomas del sistema.

Lenguaje e Idioma

Ordenamos los idiomas poniendo arriba aquellos que queremos que se utilicen. Un programa leerá el primer idioma de la lista, por ejemplo «Español». Si el programa está traducido al Español, saldrá en Español, si no, leerá el segundo. Si el segundo es «Inglés» y la aplicación está traducida al Inglés, pues saldrá en Inglés, y si no, pues leerá el tercero, y si no, el cuarto …

¿Y cómo ordenamos la lista de idiomas para poner el Español primero? Busca el español en la lista, púlsalo y arrástralo hacia arriba.

Ordenar Idiomas

Para que el sistema salga en español, el Español debe ser el primero de la lista.

Español debe quedar por encima del Inglés

Si el español no aparece en la lista, pulsa en "Editar Lista", debajo de la lista. Busca el idioma Español y márcalo. También puedes desmarcar aquellos idiomas que no utilices, pero deja por lo menos el Inglés.


Los cambios tendrán efecto la próxima vez que se abran las aplicaciones. La manera más sencilla de reiniciarlas es reiniciar el equipo entero.

Si no podemos, o no queremos en este momento, apagar el sistema, podemos cerrar una a una todas las aplicaciones. La única que no podemos cerrar es el Finder, ya que está siempre abierto. Si este es tu caso, sigue los siguientes pasos.

Pulsa la manzana en la barra superior y en el menú que se despliega selecciona "Force Quit …":

Abrir Forzar el cierre

Se muestra una ventana con el listado de las aplicaciones abiertas. Selecciona Finder y pulsa Relaunch.

Reiniciar Finder

Una vez que hayamos reiniciado, las aplicaciones aparecerán en Español:

Menú de Mac OS X en español

Resizing BootCamp Partition

One of the biggest problems with Bootcamp comes the day you need a bigger mac partition.

The Disk Utility on MacOs X can’t resize partitions if using Bootcamp, and resizing Mac GPT partition from linux can be risky. So, you can buy a pro partition utility… or you can resize from shell without rebooting and without burning a boot CD.

First is making some room for the new partition. Resize and move your Bootcamp partitions to leave some free space at the begining, between the mac partition and the first bootcap one. Ok, here you may need to burn a Live CD and boot from it.

If you want to boot again on linux, you should sync gpt table. Use «gptsync» from refit. Then reinstall grub by doing:

# grub
grub> root (hd0,2) # hd0,2 is my / partition on linux.
grub> setup (hd0)

Now you’re ready to reboot on mac (Can check before that linux is still booting).

On mac, from terminal, use «diskutil resizeVolume» to resize Mac Partition. In my mac it was:

$ diskutil list # list your partitions
$ diskutil resizeVolume disk0s2 limits # disk0s2 is my mac partition
For device disk0s2 Macluzo HD:
	Current size:	55700357120 bytes
	Minimum size:	37094010880 bytes
	Maximum size:	56509181952 bytes
$ diskutil resizeVolume /dev/disk0s2 56509181952B # I used the Maximun size
Resizing Volume
Adjusting Partitions
[ + 0%..10%..20%..30%..40%..50%..60%..70%..80%..90%..100% ] 
Finished resizing on disk disk0s2 Macluzo HD

And that’s all Folks 🙂